YG Entertainment’s BabyMonster debuts with seven members 2023

Ahyeon, Ruka, Chiquita, Haram, Pharita, Rora, and Asa are all contenders to be a part of the forthcoming female group BabyMonster, which will be formed by YG Entertainment. The group will make their debut in the fall.

The management company had indicated in the past that the female group will only debut with five of the seven participants, therefore excluding two of the trainees from consideration.

Yang Hyun-suk, the founder and executive producer of YG Entertainment, was seen introducing the final members of the girl group and discussing the logic for the decision in a video that was released to the girl group’s YouTube site on Friday and lasted for a total of twelve minutes.

BabyMonster, from YG Entertainment, will make their full seven-member debut soon.

But after announcing the first five members—Ahyeon, Ruka, Chiquita, Haram, and Pharita—Yang made a “surprise announcement” that Rora and Asa, two trainees who were scheduled to be dismissed, would be added to the group.

“The first five members YG picked are the same five members that I announced initially. Think of the other two members, Rora and Asa, as being members that you picked,” Yang stated.

“Since fans’ number one request was for the whole group to participate in activities together, [with all seven members], I came to the conclusion that this is the best way for us to satisfy both requests.”

In an earlier video from a month ago, Yang provided an explanation for the decision to limit the size of the female group to only five members, stating that “none of the girl groups produced at YG had many members.”

“We will do all in our power to ensure that [the debut] takes place as quickly as feasible. According to the person who started the company, “This is just a projection, but I don’t think it will be any later than this fall.”

Pharita and Chiquita are Thai, Ahyeon, Haram, and Rora are Korean, and Ruka and Asa are Japanese. The last two members, Asa and Ruka, are Japanese.

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