10 DUI arrests made in one night in Petaluma

The image is courtesy of the PetalumaPD.

10 people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in one night.

The picture was courtesy of the PetalumaPD.

The 10 drivers were arrested for driving under the influence, according to the police department.

There were four officers who conducted a drunken driving patrol. The time is 2 a.m. 10 drivers were arrested for alcohol related offenses.

Seven of the drivers were arrested for being over the limit. Two drivers were under the legal limit of blood levels but were found to be in violation of their parole which prohibits alcohol consumption, police said.

A 16 year old was driving without a license and had a blood alcohol level of 0.06 percent. The number of drivers arrested for drunk driving is the most in one night since nine drivers were arrested last Thanksgiving night, according to the police.

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